Top 6 Reasons Why Your Bounce Rate is Increasing

Bounce rate measures how many people are actively engaged in a page on your website once they visit it, and how many people directly click your place. The more people directly exit your website, the higher your bounce rate.

According to Google, the bounce rate is primarily calculated based on: "single page sessions divided by all sessions or the percentage of all sessions on your website during which users viewed a single page and triggered a single request to the Analytics server ". anything above a 70th bounce rate is considered high.By hiring a Top SEO Company in Delhi you can overcome this issue with proper optimization of your site and efficient digital planning can make your site on the top of SERP’S and with the least bounce rates.

Do you recognize that the area unit aspects of your website drive away potential customers or buyers? Here, we'll walk you through a number of additional common reasons why people don't engage alongside your website, and some potential solutions to lower your bounce rate and keep potential customers on your website longer.

1.Confusing information

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Your page title meta tag and meta description play a huge role in getting people from a search engine to your website. If the content on your website doesn't match what your information says, the people's area unit will apparently click directly, as your website won't meet their expectations. Your website information is the main problem that potential customers can see through a search engine, therefore it is vital that you have a correct illustration associated with what they are going to notice.

2.Slow Loading speed

Slow loading speed can be the nail inside the coffin once it comes down to a bounce rate. If a page takes more than four seconds to load, you can say hello to most guests auf wiedersehen. Ideally, your page load speed should be less than 2 seconds. These areas bring together several things that can bog down a web page:

  • Overly gigantic images
  • Slow hosting platform
  • Large amounts of images
  • Using custom fonts
  • JavaScript special effects

3.Bad links

Sometimes guests also bounce due to issues on alternate websites. Your {website | website website} is also linked to another site in a way that is misleading or refers to outdated content. Website crawling can help you see outdated or inappropriate landing links. If you notice bad links, ask the ranking author to update or remove the link to your page, to prevent guests from bouncing.

4.Poorly planned content

The content of a page should address the wishes of the guests and answer their queries. It is important to have the data that users are looking for in the search area directly visible in the rankings, therefore beware of banners that push vital content down too much. images and advertisements can also be distracting.

Understand what your audience is looking for and create content that is adapted to the present. Simple things like exploit titles and subtitles will make your page easy for guests to browse, allowing them to search for the answers that are once. be sure to incorporate a decision into action as well so that users simply take a future step to induce what they need

5.Bad user experience

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User experience (or UX) is all about creating an associated interface that has meaning and relevant experiences for users. If your website is unpleasant or troublesome to use, is not, or is full of information, this could be why your audience finds out right away.

6.Lower your bounce rate

There are two different practices that can help you get a high bounce rate: SEO and cathode ray oscilloscope. Software improvement (SEO) can ensure that your page structure, style, and content are unambiguously designed for web-based clients and include all the necessary keywords to attract the right audience to your page.

If you want your website visitors to require online action and become customers, Conversion Rate Improvement (CRO) is for you. The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope uses scientific knowledge and discipline to reinforce the user experience and interactivity of your website to convert guests into customers.